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Naturopathic Medicine And Heart Disease: Prevention, Diagnosing, And Treatment

According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is still the number one cause of death worldwide. Data collected in a 2015 study showed that worldwide there are 17.3 million deaths each year from heart disease. The number of heart-related deaths is projected to rise to over 23.6 million by 2030. The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (AANP) and other health experts agree that heart disease is mostly preventable with the appropriated diagnosing and treatment.

The naturopathic approach to healing involves the whole person which means finding the underlying causes of diseases. This same diagnosing approach is applied to the prevention and treatment of heart disease. They also stress the importance of patient empowerment to make long-lasting lifestyle changes. On the website, the AANP says that a study on lifestyle changes for patients with arterial plaque found that after one-year of implementing lifestyle changes 80 percent of participants’ plaque was reduced without surgery or “lipid-lowering agent.”[4]

Naturopathic doctors delve into several areas to assess a patient’s risk for heart disease or if there are existing abnormalities. They look at genetic makeup, environmental issues, behavior, and lifestyle factors.

Diagnosing with Naturopathic Doctor

The initial visit with the doctor will include a thorough exam and will also include your medical history, asking about medicines you are taking, and if there’s any family history of heart disease along with other pertinent information. During the appointment there is one area the doctor will especially focus on:

Inflammation Assessment – Before any diagnosis of potential heart disease factors or existing heart disease, the naturopathic doctors will spend from one to two hours to get to know you medically, and that includes an inflammation assessment.

Chronic inflammation can be a forewarning to the possibility of heart disease. Inflammation is often associated with an acute injury, such as muscle strain, or an infection. However, inflammation can also be chronic and low-grade. Chronic inflammation can have its roots in poor diet, excessive weight, sedentary lifestyle, elevated levels of glucose, autoimmune disease, allergies, stress, and other health conditions.

While chronic inflammation’s direct link to heart disease has not been proven, low levels of inflammation have been linked to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), a precursor to heart disease.

During the examination for inflammation, the doctor will assess the condition of your skin, joints, and the function of systems such as digestive and respiration. Since sleep patterns, energy levels, stress, and emotional health also raise the chance of developing heart disease, the doctor will ask about them. In other words, she will do a thorough exam that also includes observation and asking relevant questions.

Laboratory tests may also be a part of the inflammation evaluation. In conjunction with the initial assessment, lab results will give the doctor the necessary information to come up with a diagnosis or to determine if any underlying causes exist that could lead to heart disease. Labs may include tests that check glucose levels, cholesterol levels, inflammatory markers, autoimmune markers, and others.


Depending on the diagnosis, the naturopathic doctor has many treatment options available. There are, however, four key treatments they will consider:

In states where doctors are not permitted to write prescriptions, the naturopathic doctor will refer the patient to a conventional doctor that she will work with to return the patient to good health.

As you can see, naturopathic doctors invest a quite amount of time and investigation to determine if there are any areas of concern that may lead to heart disease or if heart disease already exists. They also take a multi-prong approach that focuses on the whole body and not just the disease to prevent or help the body to heal from any heart disease or conditions that may lead to it.


  1. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. How do naturopathic doctors prevent and treat heart disease? Retrieved from
  2. American Heart Association. American Heart Association statistical report tracks global figures for the first time. Retrieved from
  3. Griffin Jan, M.D and Michos, Erin, M.D., M.H.S. Inflammation and Heart Disease: What Is C-Reactive Protein? Who Might Benefit from Testing? Retrieved from
  4. American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. How do naturopathic doctors prevent and treat heart disease?
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